Monday, October 22, 2012

Song of the Week: I Had A Tiny Turtle

Check out our CDI/CDC YouTube song of the week link! I Had a Tiny Turtle! We will be posting song links frequently! The video clips are a great way to learn the tune of the songs and some movements too!
Here are some tips on leading camp songs:

  • Be an enthusiastic leader!
  • Be creative with the song lyrics and movements.
  • Encourage campers to lead the songs.
  • Sing during transitions and in both large and small groups.
  • Try out new songs but also sing camp favorites!
  • Make up your own camp songs and chants.
Do you have any song leading tips? Please leave a comment below, we want to hear your ideas!
Also, please leave a comment about any songs you would like to request to be on video!

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