Friday, October 26, 2012

Game of the Week: Over sized Outdoor Games

Over sized outdoor games are a 'HUGE' trend right now! There are many available including Tic-Tac-Toe, Chess,Checkers and dominoes. These games are a 'BIG' hit with kids but can also cost BIG bucks if you purchase are some ideas on how to create these games with the campers using items from around the center!

Tic-Tac-Toe: Make an over sized Tic-Tac-Toe game using cut out X's and O's from foam board,  use side walk chalk to draw the grid on the black top!

Chess: Paint the game grid on an old sheet....create the chess pieces using 2 liter soda bottles--fill the soda bottles half way with sand for stability. The chess pieces can be drawn on the bottles or decorated using construction paper or  craft foam sheets.

Checkers: Use the sheet idea for the checkers board or draw it out using sidewalk chalk. Use two different color sets of Frisbees for the checker pieces or sturdy colored paper plates wok too!

Dominoes:: Use foam board to cut out large rectangles to look like dominoes--the dots can be colored or painted on....use wood pieces for a more sturdy game that will last longer!

Have BIG fun creating and playing these over sized games! Please leave a comment with any other ideas to add some over sized  games to your out door environment!!

Happy Camp Planning!!

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