Thursday, September 27, 2012

Camp Song of the Week: Funky Chicken

I will be posting videos of camp songs or games weekly! Click on the link below to see a video clip of this fun song--The Funky Chicken!

I want to see your funky chicken (leader)
What’s that you say (Campers)
I want to see your funky chicken (leader)
What’s that you say (Campers)
Ooh ahh ahh ahh, ooh ahh ahh ahh
Ooh ahh ahh ahh, ooh, one more time
Ooh ahh ahh ahh, ooh ahh ahh ahh
Ooh ahh ahh ahh, ooh 1234
(Do actions with chorus, ie flop like a funky chicken)

Repeat verse using Frankenstein, Schwartzenager, Superman, Ballerina, Sumo Wrestler, Surfer Dude, Egyptian…

I love the variations they have added--I am sure CDI/CDC campers will come up with many ideas to add to this song!
This Ultimate Camp Resource website is a great website for camp counselors!
Also, we are always looking to video counselors singing camp songs....are you ready to sing on camera?

CDI/CDC Weekly Idea: Space Shuttle Sighting

Each week I will be featuring a CDI/CDC idea from one of our camps or a trend happening at many of our camps! Please send me any camp ideas that you would like to be featured!
This photo was taken as the space shuttle was flying over one of our centers in Southern California!
I was so exciting seeing everyone share their space shuttle sightings across California.....It really got me thinking about camp and center sharing! I have fond memories of writing to my pen pals from another school! There are so many ways we can stay connected during camp time and it really adds to the campers experience and camp memories! Here are a few ideas I came up with.....please comment below to add some ideas on how we can stay connected and share experiences state wide during camp time.

Pen Pals--writing letters to campers at other centers
Email Pals--email correspondence with other camps
Face time or Skype--video conferencing with other camps
Shared Events--logging a project or sharing ideas on current events (sharing a video, thoughts on the summer or winter Olympics).

I look forward to hearing your ideas on how campers can stay connected!